Down the road of anguish, cramped in my own time,

I don't understand why a book needs an introduction, why don't we get straight to point?, instead I will give a brief summary, inshallah, (If Allah wills, this book is about my life, a lot of people that I meet, tell me that I should make a book about my life, so I have decided to make one, I've had some very crazy events, happen in my life, Including, Paranormal, Ghost, Jinn, whatever you want call it, to living overseas in Spain, Gibraltar, Egypt and Morocco, my life has been pretty crazy and stressful, but honestly making a book about it isn't really something that I have that much of a thrill for, because I honestly don't think it was that tough, a lot of people become amazed when I tell them my story, but it doesn't really seem "THAT" amazing too me, well I would guess that is because I was the one who endured the pain, but anyway, back to the point, my bad sorry for going off track, long story short, things started to get crazy in 2008,or 2009, when my parents got a divorce, then it ended in 2014 when I returned to the USA, Well actually, it didn't lol, I had some of the toughest times in my life, but still I agree that I had the most horrible time of my life when I was 17, I think I literally went insane from all the things that were going on in my life, with me, my family, other, Jinn's (Demons)and other things, that is my summary, the story shall begin below, (On this or the next page). I was born in the year 1993, my hometown (Atlanta Georgia), The short story Version of this is to be completed by June 28/2015, and will be in Franklin Library, Richmond VA (God willing). The Book Will be Titled "Hit me up with the Journey"
