It has been said numerous times online that people can make money online blogging and they claim that it is so easy, I have even read that you can start up for free, I am still wondering if this is true or not, to live a luxurious life making six figure income while doing almost nothing, I mean your not exactly doing nothing, but in comparison to someone who works full time doing labor work and other physical jobs and other hard work for minimum wage, with compared to writing a few post or blog entries online and getting thousands a month, I've even read from one of these bloggers that he makes 100,000$ a month, sounds extremely hard to do and close to impossible to do, not that it isn't possible, but I just wondering how in the world could anyone make even 5,000$ A month by just typing, that's 60,000$ a year, I mean did they do it on their own or did they get help?, we all need help sometimes but what is the beginning for them all? Were they always passionate about writing? And who helped them build up their blogs, I first my made a blog when I was 15, I just wanted to make a website, but I wasn't serious about anything I kind of just wanted a blog to have one, but then later on I became interested in writing, I started writing a book when I was 20, and finished it in a little less than a year I never got it published, but I did make another very short 20 page short story, but after that I couldn't think of anything else to write, my head became empty and I couldn't think of any story to make,
So I am guessing if it is true that these people make 5,000$ a month or more, they must have some kind of help from others giving them ideas for their blogs
With some people success comes easy and some it comes hard or never comes
I know people who read money making books for years, 1 of them makes less than minimum wage, the other isn't as bad off, but they don't even have enough money to pay rent, but I guess that's just the way life is, no matter how hard you try, you will be either unsuccessful or successful.
So I am guessing if it is true that these people make 5,000$ a month or more, they must have some kind of help from others giving them ideas for their blogs
With some people success comes easy and some it comes hard or never comes
I know people who read money making books for years, 1 of them makes less than minimum wage, the other isn't as bad off, but they don't even have enough money to pay rent, but I guess that's just the way life is, no matter how hard you try, you will be either unsuccessful or successful.
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