the poisoner

The poisoner, is the evil criminal that takes what it needs by poisoning his victims, he gives them a unique poison then after they faint or die, he steals from then and burns their body away,
Using his skillet frying pan, he makes the fresh breakfast and uses a high dose of poison to completely poison a large group of people, his name is Jevb, he's 24 and loves melons, he probably eats cantaloupe every 1 hour, jevb can't understand life, so he goes into constant fits and loses a mind from time to Time,  usually he will just start randomly killing people and jump into a river and travel to his under water hideout, there is a small cave under water that he lives in usually if he is on the run from someone he will go back there, be wanted to open a checking account one time, but he didn't have enough money so he killed everyone  in the bank, then a few days later he snuck inside the bank and set it on fire by lighting gasoline in inside the vents in the ceilings.

Jevb the crazy!
