things that make people miserable

there are so many things in this world that will make a person miserable, loss of wealth, illness mental problems, ect. 1. losing everything.

 as you walked the path of happiness your wealth was amazing and high in abundance, your family loved you because you were always there for them and took care of them, and you were happy and outgoing, BUT!, them boom!, you lost your job, next you know your money starts going down down and downer!, so you can't pay your bills and their bills anymore, your girlfriend/wife is now disgusted with you and doesn't love you anymore and thinks your a bum or not trying hard enough because you lost your job and all of your money because you can't find a job, you now feel like a bum and a loser because your are trying your best to get work but just can't a new job and now your broke and your family is having to spend all of their money on your responsibilities, each day its like you are biting away your own flesh eating up yourself, you feel so worthless, after time your love leaves, and you can;t stand being around your family not contributing to bills and expenses, so you get into that deep despair mood, and that's when you start really feeling tempted to blew your brains outs, but you don't have the guts, so instead you just leave a farewell and goodbye note, and leave home with nothing, no food, no money, no nothing, all you have now is you, and all of those memories of when had money and everything and order and a happy family, but those thought just trap you deeper into despair, everyday you feel more and more like killing yourself, but in the end you just decide to wait until its your time a rot for the rest of your life.

2. losing your love. 

He/she was the love of your life, before you met them everything in life just seemed so plain, but after you met them everything changed it was like they brightened up your world and made everything better, you always said I don't know what I'd do if I lose you, and you meant it every time you said it, but then they disappear or they die, now you feel horrible and life becomes a strain,
