
the new me

indeed what is it in our innerselves

Dawn of dead

so what!!

it comes and goes

its been too long

Just what am I?

3 posts

defeated myself

slippery elm

it must be done

suffering from idiocy

is there any reason to move foward?

just a picture...

lonely rain

once again I feel it

Homeless Survival Guide

new games


just one more thing

What times are we living in?!!?

Only get the ketchup

I realize life for what it is

Foolish idiot

pleasure of the mind

another dumb post

Jukariyo's rage and Yibuyas evilness

are long post needed

random and stuff references

is it a lie?

My adventure

Something new


New blog posts

To the second power

Fired day

Spear ribs and chicken challenge

Why can't you do it?

The wild rice

The pain of mind

Repeat that

Poem of the day

Song Lyrics

things that make people miserable

The Pursuit

Cat's and fish

The Diet

achieve receive

Despair power


There is light

you could never understand

These books are to make you laugh

only to be out of emotion.

no post in a long time

the pressure of onodekz